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Average 185 Hungry Summons Suicide Bomber Zombies while banging its gong. Great 3600 Hungry Crushes plants, fires Flying Imps to the ship when enough damage is taken. Dense In-game:Solid 240 Speedy Appears during larger waves of zombies.
В группе присутствует множество обсуждений. Вишневая бомба - KzY01OfBbV Детонирует, уничтожая всех противников в радиусе своего взрыва. The time travel element is a fun change of pace, the new worlds offer unexpected challenges as you progress, from new range-style attacks, to plant combos and extremely north uses of the zombie components to fight back. General Publisher Publisher web site Release Date February 15, 2017 Date Added February 15, 2017 Version 5. Я в растениях всего добился сам пытался взламывать Art Money ничего не вышло,Слава богу, а он без тренера никак. Взлом игры представлен несколькими файлами — с модом, русской озвучкой и Responsible Wall Edition. Undying in-game, Ultra-Undying 5400 Hungry Missile attacks can destroy Power Tiles. Machined 2000 Basic Pushes plants to the left pvz 2 взлом of eating.
Горохострел Peashooter - pMBMuWqYkp Одна из самых первых пушек, которая стреляет в зомби горохом. Zombies, like their defensive counterparts the , are varied in strength as well as speed, and command unique aspects which must be countered appropriately.
Plants vs. Zombies 2 [Мод: много денег] - JOURNEY THROUGH SPACE AND TIME.
Zombies 2 For other uses, see. Zombies are reanimated, mindless, decaying corpses with a hunger for human. They are the main antagonists of , as the objective of the game is to prevent them from eating the player's brains. Zombies, like their defensive counterparts the , are varied in strength as well as speed, and command unique aspects which must be countered appropriately. A total of 157 zombies appear in the game, with the grand total of 194 including the Chinese zombies. Great 3600 Stiff Crushes plants, launches Imp when enough damage is taken. Average 200 Basic Protected 560 360 cone 200 zombie Basic Hardened 1300 1100 bucket 200 zombie Basic Average 200 Hungry Appears during a huge wave of zombies. Protected Solid in-game 240 Speedy Appears during larger waves of zombies. Average 200 Basic Tries to steal sun. Protected 420 per zombie 220 sign 200 zombie Creeper shared slowing Arrives in a group of three zombies or more. Solid 240 Hungry Torch destroys plant on contact, only when lit. Protected 380 Basic Creates tombstones on random tiles of the lawn. Hardened 1480 1200 sarcophagus 280 zombie Basic, Speedy after losing armor Speeds up after his sarcophagus is destroyed Great 3600 Hungry Crushes plants, launches Imp Mummy when enough damage is taken. Average 200 Hungry Undying 925 Hungry Missiles can create tombstones. Machined 18500 Basic Protected 440 Flighty Torch destroys plant on contact, only when lit. Average 200 Basic Protected 560 360 cone 200 zombie Basic Hardened 1300 1100 bucket 200 zombie Basic Average 200 Hungry Appears during a huge wave of zombies. Protected Solid in-game 240 Speedy Appears during larger waves of zombies. Average 200 Basic Lands four tiles into the player's lawn. In Pirate Seas, sometimes fails doing so and falls on the sea. Average in-game Solid 280 Speedy Bypasses low defenses like and by flying over them. Hardened 1300 1100 200 zombie Hungry in-game Basic Crushes plants with barrel that releases two Imp Pirates upon destruction. Dense in-game Protected 420 Stiff Can release a Zombie Parrot, which can steal a plant. Solid 300 Flighty Can fly to plants in other lanes to take them away. Great 3600 Hungry Crushes plants, launches Imp Pirate when enough damage is taken. Undying 27500 Hungry Cannon can rain down many Imps past your defenses. Machined 2400 Basic Average in-game Solid 280 Flightly Bypasses low defenses like and by flying over them. Average 200 100 hat 100 zombie Basic Protected 560 360 cone 200 zombie Basic Hardened 1300 1100 bucket 20 zombie Basic Average 200 100 hat 100 zombie Hungry Appears during a huge wave of zombies. Protected Solid in-game 240 120 hat 120 zombie Speedy Appears during a larger wave of zombies. Average 200 Stiff Appears on the left side of the player's lawn when its dynamite explodes, then walks backwards. Hardened in-game: Dense 820 Creeper Crushes plants with piano, cowboy zombies switch lanes. Average 200 Basic Summons zombie chickens after taking enough damage. Fragile 5 Flighty Hardened 1300 Flighty in-game: Speedy , Stiff after launching the rider Dashes at full speed, launches a low flying Zombie Bull Rider past your defenses after encountering a plant on its way. Average 200 Hungry Great 3600 Hungry Crushes plants, launches Zombie Bull Rider when enough damage is taken. Undying 25500 Hungry Missile attack can target mine carts. Hardened 1400 Speedy Smashes a plant and launches his zombie rider past most of your defenses. Machined 2400 2200 cart 200 zombie Basic Average 200 Basic Protected 560 360 cone 200 zombie Basic Hardened 1300 1100 bucket 200 zombie Basic Machined 1800 1600 ice block 200 zombie Basic Average 200 Hungry Appears during a huge wave of zombies. Hardened in-game: Dense 680 Creeper Throws snowballs which freeze the player's plants. Average 200 Hungry Immune to freezing effects, however, he still can be slowed down. Dense in-game: Protected 500 Speedy Occasionally flies to go over slider tiles and plants. Dense in-game: Protected 600 Basic Pushes three or more frozen Yeti Imps across the lawn, crushing plants. Average 200 Basic Weasels are summoned when her log is shattered. Fragile 40 Flighty Unaffected by sliders. Great 3600 Hungry Crushes plants, launches 3 Yeti Imps one by one when enough damage is taken in each phase. Average 200 Basic Protected 560 360 cone 200 zombie Basic Hardened 1300 1100 bucket 200 zombie Basic Average 200 Hungry Appears during a huge wave of zombies. Solid 320 Basic Drops in past defenses, stays midair, eats what's below him, and eventually will start walking forward. Average 200 Hungry Protected 360 Speedy Digs plants up and tosses them behind him. His makes him invulnerable to straight projectiles. Protected in-game: Solid 320 Hungry Protects herself and zombies behind her from lobbed shots by deflecting them with her parasol. Protected 360 Speedy Carries a Basic, Conehead, or Buckethead Adventurer Zombie quickly over defenses and into the lawn. Drops the zombie upon death. Great 3600 Hungry Crushes plants, launches Lost City Imp when enough damage is taken. The campsite spawns basic variants of zombies. Dense 760 Stiff Can land four, five or six tiles into the player's lawn. Solid 240 Basic Tries to steal sun and burns plants four tiles in front of him with his skull. Undying 27800 Hungry Drops bags of sand to active Fire Trap Tiles. Average 200 Basic Protected 560 360 cone 200 zombie Basic Hardened 1300 1100 bucket 200 zombie Basic Average 200 Hungry Appears during a huge wave of zombies. Protected Solid in-game 240 Speedy Appears during larger waves of zombies. Average in-game: Solid 320 Speedy Bypasses the defenses by flying over them, except for the tall ones, such as Tall-nut. Machined 2500 Stiff Machined 2000 Basic Summons Disco Jetpack Zombies. Average in-game: Solid 320 Speedy Bypasses the defenses by flying over them, except for the tall one, such as Tall-nut. Machined 2000 Basic Pushes plants to the left instead of eating. Great 3600 Stiff Crushes plants, randomly burns tiles with laser eyes, launches Bug Bot Imp when enough damage is taken. Undying in-game, Ultra-Undying 5400 Hungry Missile attacks can destroy Power Tiles. Machined 2400 Basic Protected 560 Flighty Bypasses the defenses by flying over them, except for the tall ones. Average 200 Basic Protected 560 360 cone 200 zombie Basic Hardened 1300 1100 bucket 200 zombie Basic Machined 1800 1600 knight helm 200 zombie Basic Average 200 Hungry Appears during a huge wave of zombies. Protected 420 Basic, Hungry when spinning Returns all physical projectiles that are shot at him. Great 3600 Hungry Crushes plants, launches Imp Monk when enough damage is taken. Protected 480 Creeper Transforms plants into sheep, which come back to normal when this zombie dies. Average 200 Hungry Immune to fire damage. Undying 21000 Hungry Lobbed fireballs can hatch Imp Dragon Zombies. Average 200 Basic Protected 560 360 cone 200 zombie Basic Hardened 1300 1100 bucket 200 zombie Basic Average 200 Hungry Appears during a huge wave of zombies. Average 200 Hungry Punk jam gives him a speed boost. Great 3600 Hungry Crushes plants, additionally releasing a shockwave that instantly kills the first non-defensive plant on the lane only when the Metal jam is playing. Launches Impunk when enough damage is taken. Solid 240 Hungry Moshes plants back a space when the Punk jam is playing. Protected 480 Basic Trails glamorous rainbows that protect zombies behind her when Pop jam is playing. Solid 240 Hungry Spins microphone to damage nearby plants when Rap jam is playing. Solid 240 Hungry Kicks zombies forward when Rap jam is playing. Dense Protected in-game 480 Basic Pushes an arcade cabinet that spits out 8-Bit Zombies when Arcade jam is playing. Average Basic , Protected Conehead , or Hardened Buckethead Respectively 200, 560, and 1300 Basic Solid 240 Basic Neutralizes the plant effects when playing the boombox. The music of the boombox makes the current playing jam stop immediately. Average 200 Hungry Protected 560 360 cone 200 zombie Hungry Hardened 1300 1100 bucket 200 zombie Basic Machined 2000 1800 fossil 200 zombie Stiff Speeds up when losing headwear. Eating speed is increased by 50%. Machined 2400 2200 amber 200 zombie Basic Average 200 Hungry Appears during a huge wave of zombies. Dense In-game:Solid 240 Speedy Appears during larger waves of zombies. Fragile 90 Speedy Eating speed is doubled. Great 5400 Stiff Crushes plants. Launches Jurassic Imp when enough damage is taken. Machined In-game: Dense 1060 Basic Immune to Primal Peashooter's knockback. Machined In-game:Dense 2470 Stiff Can crush plants with its rock, defeating them instantly. Undying 19500 Hungry Uses lasers, missiles and dinosaurs to attack plants. Average 200 Basic Protected 560 360 cone 200 zombie Basic Hardened 1300 1100 bucket 200 zombie Basic Average 200 Hungry Appears during a huge wave of zombies. Great 3600 Hungry Crushes plants, launches Imp Mermaid when enough damage is taken. Plants next to him are tossed off the lawn. Hardened in-game: Dense 880 Creeper Throws octopi at the plants, which neutralize their effects until destroyed. Undying 29500 Hungry Mouth turbine can pull plants to it. Summoned zombie sharks can consume plants. Protected Solid in-game 240 Speedy Appears during larger waves of zombies. Average 200 Hungry Great 3600 Hungry Crushes plants, launches when enough damage is taken. Hardened 1240 800 newspaper 4400 zombie Basic, Flighty when losing newspaper Gains a speed boost in walking and eating when newspaper is destroyed. Solid In-game: Dense 800 Speedy Bypasses the defenses by flying over them, until its balloon is popped. Hardened 1060 Flighty, Stiff after tackling Tackles the first plant he encounters, killing it instantly, then walks normally. Average In-game: Solid 280 Hungry Explodes when reaching a plant in the leftmost columns, instantly killing it. Machined 2400 Basic Machined 1880 1440 newspaper 400 zombie Hungry Gains a speed boost in walking and eating when newspaper is destroyed. Other Dense In-game:Protected 500 Basic Appears randomly the player will get a notification if the game is not opened and always gives 1000 coins. Chinese zombies Name Image Toughness Health Speed Special Average 185 Basic Protected 545 360 cone 185 zombie Basic Hardened 1285 1100 bucket 185 zombie Basic Average 185 Hungry Solid 240 Hungry Torch destroys plant on contact, only when lit. Protected 440 Stiff Returns straight-shooting physical projectiles that are shot at it. Average In-game:Protected 560 Hungry, Speedy after drinking Speeds up after drinking. Protected 420 Stiff Pulls plants to the right. Solid 300 Speedy Explodes when it encounters a plant; freezing plants can disarm the bomb. Average 185 Hungry Summons Suicide Bomber Zombies while banging its gong. Average 185 Basic Protected 545 360 cone 185 zombie Basic Hardened 1285 1100 bucket 185 zombie Basic Machined 1785 1600 helmet 185 zombie Basic Average 185 Basic Solid 240 Hungry Spins it torch relentlessly to deal with the player's plants. Protected 340 Basic Slices plants, instantly killing them. Average In-game:Protected 420 Stiff Returns projectiles that are shot at it and strikes at the player's plants. Average In-game:Protected 560 Hungry, Speedy after drinking After drinking, it speeds up and can instantly kill the player's plants. Average In-game: Solid 240 Hungry Flies over some plants, then lands down and continues walking. Great 7000 Hungry in-game: Stiff, Hungry when enough damage is taken Crushes plants, speeds up when enough damage is taken. Great 7000 Hungry in-game: Stiff, Hungry when enough damage is taken Crushes plants, jumps to the least protected row, speeds up when enough damage is taken. Great 7000 Hungry in-game: Stiff, Hungry when enough damage is taken Crushes plants, pulls plants forward, summons other zombies, speeds up when enough damage is taken. Undying in-game, Ultra-Undying 48000 Hungry Previously the midpoint boss of Kung-Fu World, now serves as a boss Undying in-game, Ultra-Undying 80000 Hungry The boss of Kung-Fu World. Average 185 Basic Can turn invisible. Average 185 Stiff Can shoot projectiles at your plants that blast in a 3x3 radius, blast doesn't kill plants, but make them sleep. Hardened 1300 Speedy in-game: Flighty , Stiff after launching rider Launches a low flying Knight Zombie over plants. Machined 1785 1600 clamshell 185 zombie Basic Instantly kills normal-health plants on his way. Dense 680 Speedy Slowly freezes all plants in its lane. Dense 680 Speedy Skis over defenses using the. Dense 680 Speedy Becomes a slope for and creates ice paths that speed zombies up. Average 185 Basic Protected 555 370 helmet, 185 zombie Basic Hardened 1285 1100 helmet, 185 zombie Basic Average 185 Hungry Appears during a huge wave of zombies. Fragile 100 Hungry Thrown by Flying Gargantuars and Transport Boats in your defenses. When thrown by Flying Gargantuars, it will walk backwards. Average 190 Stiff Uses machine gun to attack plants and the home ship. Hardened 1240 Speedy Can only fall after both cabins are destroyed. Hardened 1240 Creeper Uses a lightning gun to attack plants with plasma. Hardened 1240 Hungry Creates an invisible light that makes Zombies behind him invisible. Great 3600 Hungry Crushes plants, fires Flying Imps to the ship when enough damage is taken. Undying TBA Hungry The boss of Sky City. Average 200 Creeper Opens a secret door for both him and other zombies to travel underground and evade certain attacks. The underground path lasts 5 tiles. Average 200 Creeper Use syringes to boost zombies' speeds or to damage plants. When the speaker is destroyed, the zombie walks forward. Hardened 1285 Average Pushes eggs that can crush plants on their way. The eggs release a baby dinosaur or an upon destruction. Protected 560 Stiff Carries an egg, sometimes drops that egg on the tile it is on, destroying any plant on said tile. The egg releases a baby dinosaur or an upon destruction. Protected 400 Hungry Machined?? Basic Can dig past the plants and appear directly in the last row. Basic Throws smoke bombs that disables plants Does not work on powered Shadow Plants Machined?? Basic When the energy is full it will charge into plants, when there is no energy it will absorb the energy of plants. It seems like some Zombots are stronger than the others while all of them are bosses of each world they appear. This may be because each boss battle has offensive plants that do a certain amount of damage; as some do greater or lower damage in each world, possibly to balance the duration of each boss battle.